Compare the Pair: How You Pay For Superannuation Matters!
Last week I compared how you could pay for financial advice… this week, I’ll compare how you can pay for your superannuation. Why would we do this? Well, your super is going to be the backbone of your retirement savings, it’s compulsory and it’s the best tax break in town. If you haven’t been paying […]
Sometimes I feel like a bit of a broken record, but I also get a lot of people coming to me saying they’ve been reading these pieces for 6 or 12 months or more and have just got around to doing something about it. After all, it’s far easier to live in the here and now […]
Fuel prices are one of those things that are always in the news. And they’ve been quite topical of late with tumbling oil prices and fuel now at prices not seen for decades! Petrol, diesel, regardless which fuel powers you from A to B, fuel prices are one of those things we are always sensitive […]
Are you a retiree or nearing retirement? (You might also know someone in that boat who would benefit from reading this.) If so, you’ve spent your entire working life hoping to get to this point… the point in your life when you can afford to stop working. You may have a problem though, and you […]
There’s a good chance you have either read or know someone who has read The Barefoot Investor… it’s been the number one selling book in the country for the last couple of years. And it’s great! The author, Scott Pape, has put in writing easy-to-understand financial concepts and has done a great job of opening […]
Life is all about choices and when it comes to things financial, many Australians are choosing to pay more than they need to… are you one them? If so, what will it cost you down the track? In my almost two decades in the financial services industry, I’ve seen the damage done by these choices […]
I was asked recently about how financial advice helps people and so I thought I would start sharing a few examples of how the advice process works and how it helps people… Matt* and Megan* came to see me recently after attending a seminar I held. Matt works full time in mining and Megan works […]
My favourite part of my job is opening people’s eyes to how the financial system is often taking them for a ride and then helping them do something about it! When it comes to people needing help with seeing the reality of the situation, the numbers are startling. Deloitte Access Economics and surveyed 3,000 […]
America recently celebrated Independence Day, the 4th of July, which celebrates the Continental Congress declaring that the thirteen American colonies were no longer subject to the monarch of Britain and were now united, free, and independent states. My business, Wealth Train, is also independent. We don’t celebrate a national holiday about independent financial advice just […]
“Things seem to be going okay”. These are the most dangerous words I hear people say when it comes to their financial future. When it comes to things like superannuation and investments, the most important question you need to consider when evaluating them is, “compared to what?”. Feeling like things are going okay is no […]