Fuel savings… are you looking in the right place?
Fuel prices are one of those things that are always in the news. And they’ve been quite topical of late with tumbling oil prices and fuel now at prices not seen for decades! Petrol, diesel, regardless which fuel powers you from A to B, fuel prices are one of those things we are always sensitive […]
Here are some amazing numbers for you to absorb: 95% of people are sheep-like followers 80% of people don’t have a plan for their lives Less than 4% of people write down their goals Less than 1% of people review their goals Mapping out your goals makes you 33% more likely to achieve them And […]
Too many people will sell themselves short when it comes to having the financial future they want because they simply don’t know what to do nor who to trust for help. As a consequence, they never get around to doing what needs to be done. Often, the hardest part is acknowledging where they really are […]
You’re an author… you may not have realised but you’ve already been working for a while on the most important story you will ever write – your life! What’s the story been to this point? And how will it play out from here? One of the hardest things for us to do is to think […]
I’ll start this blog with a question. When you spend money, how often do you ask yourself what you won’t be buying as a result of your spend? After all, you can only spend a dollar once. Whenever you buy something, that means there is something else that you cannot buy. Financial advisers call this the ‘opportunity […]
Having the right approach to money is the first battle that must be won on the path to creating wealth. People at all income levels offer up excuses about why they can’t save any money. You’d be surprised how many people I’ve met over the years who earn very little but are great savers and […]
One of the common reasons people often give me for not being able to do anything about improving their financial situation is that they don’t have any time available. You need to make time or you’re going to wake up many years from now and wish you had. Don’t leave your future-self hanging out to […]
Are you the proud owner of one of these? Then you have a license to print money! Making money is actually pretty easy once you know how. The trick is to realise that it takes a combination of time and simple strategies to become wealthy. Anything offering a way to get rich quickly is either […]
Every year, millions of people start the New Year with a resolution. Many do it every year and many of them make the same resolution year after year… this year they really mean it! The top three resolutions are getting fit, losing weight and spending less. We have a problem though! In general, people don’t […]
Decision 1: Snap out of it. You could be heading in the wrong direction. You might think you’re comfortable now but it’s important to ensure that your financial future isn’t heading for a financial cliff. Chances are that if you keep doing what you’ve been doing you’ll end up broke later in life. You have to snap […]