The most important piece of financial advice I can give you
I have been reading and learning about all things financial since I was a teenager. I then spent several years completing a double degree, post-graduate studies in financial planning, and other varied financial qualifications. Along the way, I’ve easily read over 100 books and thousands of articles and pieces of research. This is my best […]
The number one rule when it comes to being a financial winner is spending less than you earn. Those who can regularly spend just a little less than they earn can get ahead, while those who can’t, fall further and further behind. When most of us first start working, we are not earning much and […]
I think it’s fair to say that what’s happening in Victoria and the threats of second waves elsewhere has given everyone a sense of déjà vu. Just as it felt like everything was returning to something resembling normality (or the new normal at least), suddenly face masks are the most talked about thing in town. […]
The last week has highlighted to me the pressure cooker that is heating up in our community at the moment. I’ve spoken with numerous people who are feeling stretched financially and/or emotionally. For some, these are desperate times. For everyone, these are stressful times. I’m sick of hearing that they are extraordinary times! When it […]
Another week, another million announcements and life changing moments… It feels a bit overwhelming! I know a lot of people are struggling to cope. Many households have seen a drop in income and are trying to work out how they make ends meet. I hope this will help… We don’t know how long this will […]
There is one thing you have to get right if you’re ever going to get ahead financially… and not being able to do it is the one thing that holds most people back. The number one determining factor in how financially successful you will be is your ability to pay yourself first! What do I […]
Have a read of the scenarios below and see which one sounds most like you… You need a new pair of shoes and you’d eyed off a pair in the local store for $150 and decided to wait until the post-Christmas sales to see if you might get them on sale. After Christmas, you find […]
We’re about to enter the most wonderful time of the year! It’s a time of year when we usually have lots of fun, but also feel quite a bit of pressure. We all want to provide the best Christmas for our loved ones. We splurge, we impulse buy, we buy little extras here and there […]
Fast forward a few short months and it will be! You may have been to a Christmas in July party this month. Well, we’re past the half way mark of the year and we’re now on the downhill run to the real thing. Christmas is usually a joyous time of year. Sadly though, for many […]
5 MINUTE READ 2017 is coming to a close and what an ‘uninteresting’ year it has been. Earlier this month, for the 13th month in a row, the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) left the official target cash rate unchanged. This means that Australian interest rates have been at record lows for all of 2017. Obviously, […]