Ignore This At Your Loved Ones’ Peril
Australians are chronically underinsured! Most people insure their cars and homes, but don’t insure their most valuable asset… themselves and their ability to produce an income. Far more people lose their homes due to the main breadwinner being unable to earn an income (either because they die or are sick or injured for an extended […]
Possibly not the way you dream of being described, but if the shoe fits… The thing is, you’re a GOLDEN goose… You produce income for you and your family. Whether it’s through regular pay from your employer or the income you earn as a self-employed person, you are constantly producing income to allow you to […]
Income protection insurance is essential for all people who would suffer financially if they were unable to earn income from working. This includes single people whose own lifestyle would suffer if they were unable to earn income as well as people who have financial dependents, such as parents. The concept of income protection insurance is […]
Imagine yourself at the races. You study the field, choose your horse and then place your bet. And then you hope that your horse runs stone cold last! “Slow down, Wynxie! Let someone else finish first today.” Sound crazy? Well, if you’re betting on horses, it is. But there are other kinds of ‘bet’ where […]
What is your most important financial asset? Is it your home? Your superannuation fund? Your investment portfolio? Your sports car (probably not!)? Actually, it’s you. That’s right, you are your own most important financial asset. Think about it. The average Australian working full-time earns around $75,000 a year. If the average working career is 40 […]
What would you do today? Well, there’s probably a long list you could write, but if you have a partner and/or kids who rely on your income then making sure you have enough life insurance in place to provide for them financially should be right at the top of that list. Most days of the […]