It’s Not About Money
I’m a financial adviser, so hearing me say “It’s not about money” may come as a surprise. Seriously, it’s not about money, it’s about choices. When it comes to money, people often fall into one of two camps. They are either being controlled by their money or they are in control of their money. It […]
The number one rule when it comes to being a financial winner is spending less than you earn. Those who can regularly spend just a little less than they earn can get ahead, while those who can’t, fall further and further behind. When most of us first start working, we are not earning much and […]
Do you try to squeeze (or roll?) every bit of toothpaste out of the tube to get the most for your money? I think most people do this. Waste not, want not. It’s possibly fair to say that many people put more effort into managing their toothpaste than they do on having a financial plan […]
There is a period before and after retirement called the retirement risk zone… it’s a dangerous place! It is typically considered to be the 5 years either side of retirement. This decade is when most people’s retirement savings reach their peak and start being accessed. Often people work hard to squirrel away as much as […]
As you get older, you increasingly think more about the future. Retirement is one of those things that people start to think more about as they get older. While thinking about it is great, planning for it at the same time is even better! Most of us are often in a state of cruise control […]
Money makes the world go round… or so the saying goes. I’d argue there is one thing far more valuable than money – time! When it comes to your money, it’s something you have to work for. You give your time for money. It’s an eye-opener to start to think about how much time is […]
Fuel prices are one of those things that are always in the news. And they’ve been quite topical of late with tumbling oil prices and fuel now at prices not seen for decades! Petrol, diesel, regardless which fuel powers you from A to B, fuel prices are one of those things we are always sensitive […]
Like so many others, I have been giving thought to the opportunities that Covid-19 presents to those people who are not so badly affected by the fallout of the pandemic and to the struggles of those who are severely impacted. The more I thought about it, I realised that people who are basically not or […]
Another week, another million announcements and life changing moments… It feels a bit overwhelming! I know a lot of people are struggling to cope. Many households have seen a drop in income and are trying to work out how they make ends meet. I hope this will help… We don’t know how long this will […]
Here are some amazing numbers for you to absorb: 95% of people are sheep-like followers 80% of people don’t have a plan for their lives Less than 4% of people write down their goals Less than 1% of people review their goals Mapping out your goals makes you 33% more likely to achieve them And […]