Is now a good time to invest?
Apart from the age-old question about whether people should buy property or shares, ‘Is now a good time to invest?’ is the other classic question I hear. The answer is pretty simple… the best time to invest is when you have the money. Waiting for the right time to invest means bringing emotion into the […]
For most of us, the biggest financial enemy we face is inertia. Inertia is a tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged and when it comes to our money, it can have a massive impact on what our lives are going to look like in the future. Think about the big pieces of your […]
In case you’ve missed any form of news over the last few days, most people are in line for a tax cut. Tax cuts were a centrepiece of the government’s budget. Whether their budget is a good one or not is up for debate. The government is handing out thousands of dollars in tax cuts […]
For a few months now, we’ve been hearing about Victoria and a roadmap out of their coronavirus second wave. It has only been recently that the roadmap has started to take shape. They had to first get on top of the problem before they could start to think about the pathway out. What’s interesting to […]
I’m a financial adviser, so hearing me say “It’s not about money” may come as a surprise. Seriously, it’s not about money, it’s about choices. When it comes to money, people often fall into one of two camps. They are either being controlled by their money or they are in control of their money. It […]
The number one rule when it comes to being a financial winner is spending less than you earn. Those who can regularly spend just a little less than they earn can get ahead, while those who can’t, fall further and further behind. When most of us first start working, we are not earning much and […]
“Have you been tested?” could end up being the most common question of 2020. Of course, when most people ask that question, it’s going to be in relation to being tested for coronavirus. Across the country, tens of thousands of tests are being conducted every day as we try and isolate where the virus is […]
Do you try to squeeze (or roll?) every bit of toothpaste out of the tube to get the most for your money? I think most people do this. Waste not, want not. It’s possibly fair to say that many people put more effort into managing their toothpaste than they do on having a financial plan […]
I was reading the NRMA’s Open Road magazine the other day and their comparison between two vehicles grabbed my attention. Here are a couple of quotes from the article: “These vehicles have a surprising number of similarities and are almost inseparable in performance, ride, handling, fuel economy, quietness, comfort and build quality.” “Unless looks and […]
I think it’s fair to say that what’s happening in Victoria and the threats of second waves elsewhere has given everyone a sense of déjà vu. Just as it felt like everything was returning to something resembling normality (or the new normal at least), suddenly face masks are the most talked about thing in town. […]